I am working on a quilt called "Grand Mothers Flower garden. I actually started it in 2005.I worked on it from Janaury to April of that year. The template is a hexagon.There are 7 hexagons in each flower. I made 80 flowers,( 8accross and 10 downd) which is big enough for a double bed. Each flower is seperated by a row of white hexagons . I forget how many I had to make of those, a lot that is for sure. I will have to remember to find my original design and count them .
This past week I dug out the quilt again and decided that this would be my priority project . I have a friend that is 94, she is not well right now. She may not have much time left on this earth. I would love for her to be able to see the finished project . How long she lives depends on the Lord. She may live for years yet, but if I don't work on the quilt she won't see it . So I am committed to working on it each day . To sew the outside ring on two flowers takes an hour or so a day. I need to time it again to find out the exact time. I do want to spend a minimum of a half hour a day , I don't think I will get more than 2 hours a day in . I have a picture of the first two blocks done and I will post that here . So I hope you will come by often to see my progress .
I don't sew but can appreciate your talent. I would like to follow your progress on this. Beautiful!
thats looking nice ive been waiting for a long time to see this one get done too
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